Mar 26
It’s little planes!
I finally got around ot buying my tickets to PA. I think I’m on the smallest jets American Airlines has in their fleet….and the oldest. An MD80 and something with only 32 seats. I use seatguru to pick out “good” seats whenever I must fly. I do not prefer flying over driving. Sure, it takes longer…but I get to see lots of stuff whenever I drive around the country and usually eat pretty good food. Oh well…It’s only a 3 day trip. Need to call the hotel and figure out how they got $69/night vs the $89/night the web shows.
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All big jets are broken. I’ll forward information fron trish to Peggy.. Dad
Maybe let Trish know that Peggy and the girls are also driving out.and I’m flying in. We will be there late July 3 through early July 6.